Thursday, August 12, 2010

Big snakes and programming...

I have started trying to learn Python again.

This time, I am using the book "Hello! Python" by Anthony Briggs.

I am only a few chapters in so far, but it is an easy read.  It is going fairly slowly for me, but that is because its audience is beginning programmers.  And, it seems like it would be great for new programmers (or hobbyists) getting started with Python.

The book is still in its 'early access' phase, so it is only available online as a PDF.  But, you can order it as a 'real' book too and get a copy in digital form to start on while you are waiting.

1 comment:

christine said...

I started learning python in the spring by solving about 40 problems from Project Euler ( Project Euler is a site containing a list of little mathematical and algorithmic problems. I found this way much easier than learning a programming language from a book. Project Euler is especially great for learning the basics of a language, like data types, operators, flow control, functions, error handling up to basic unit testing and the beginnings of object orientation. When I didn't know how sth. works in python I looked at wikipedia, the official python docu or stackoverflow.

There are also a number of projects which have more extensive and not only algorithmic programming Katas: