Monday, June 29, 2009

In case you were wondering...

Well, I managed to put together a todo list.

It is several pages long.  And, I have almost certainly missed half of the things that I need to do.

But, it is a start.  I still need to find some single place to keep/update it.

Until now, I have kept several concurrent todo lists.  One (at least) in my head and several on paper that I usually misplace before finishing everything on them.

One thing that I was on my list as a recurring task was updating this blog: Once a week - on Tuesdays.

I missed out on last week - partly because I was trying to more completely list out the rest of my todo list and partly because I had a thousand other things to do (some on the list and many that slipped through the cracks).

So, I am going to try try to cut myself a little slack and allow myself to make that Tuesday post anytime before the next Tuesday.  This is the first such 'late but not missed' post.

Hopefully, there will be more tomorrow (Tuesday).

But, I guess we'll see.

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