Friday, February 21, 2014

TomEE can you hear me...

When I was listing out my priorities of languages/technologies that I am going to be focusing on in the next year, I forgot to mention (Apache) TomEE.

TomEE is a full Java EE server based on Apache Tomcat ( and should make it easier to set up, configure, and maintain application servers. But, I have gotten stuck in my ways and lazy. For the past six (or so) years I have been using Apache Geronimo for my app servers. When Geronimo went from version 2.2.x to version 3.x I got left behind. Time constraints kept me from putting in the time to clean up my app and get it into a state that can be deployed on the new OSGi environment.

I still need to put in that time and get my app converted to be compatible. But, recently there are a procession of smaller more self-contained apps that need writing and since we have one externally written app that is running on Tomcat - it makes sense for us to move that app to TomEE and write these new apps for TomEE as well.

So, I am now in the process of trying to develop my first app for TomEE...Using a responsive web framework (Foundation). And, it needs to be ready for beta testing in two weeks.

By Monday I should either have the first functioning bits of this new project running on a TomEE instance or a massive headache. Or...maybe both.

Wish me luck!

And I'll see you in a couple of days...

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